The Power of Tolerance

> Seara > The Power of Tolerance

seara-7-toleranciaNo âmbito da disciplina de Inglês, 11.º ano, foi sugerido aos alunos um debate sobre o tema “The Power of Tolerance”. Uma aula bastante interessante que permitiu o envolvimento e a reflexão dos alunos sobre um tema tão pertinente na sociedade atual. Aqui fica o testemunho de uma das alunas do 11.ºA1.

Tea with words

The initiative “Tea with words” proposed by our English teacher was a wonderful upgrade to our debates in class. We had previously discussed what this activity would entail: it would be a 90-minute debate with a nice cup of tea and treats.

When we arrived at the classroom, the tables had been rearranged in a large U with open space in the middle, allowing us to be facing one another. A moderator was chosen and the topic was “The power of Tolerance”. 

We also discussed other related topics such as the Muslim religion, gay marriage, transgender people, black people and others of similar nature. I found it quite surprising how different our opinions were as we tried to reach a grey area agreement or simply agree to disagree.

Besides this shared dialogue, the tea warmed up not just our throats but our hearts as well.
Overall, “Tea with words” was a success and I would love to repeat the experience.

Mariana Amaro |  11.ºA1